- adequate time to comply
- asphyxia
- baton
- beanbag round
- canine
- complaint of injury
- contempt of cop
- deadly force
- disability
- disproportionate force
- duty to provide medical care
- failure to intervene
- flash-bang grenade
- flashlight as weapon
- force absent particularized suspicion
- friendly fire
- graham factors
- gratuitous violence
- handcuffing
- kicking
- long-range acoustic device
- mace
- misuse of valid policing technique
- neck restraint
- not identifying oneself as law enforcement
- obvious violation
- passive resistance
- pepper spray
- pepperball gun
- pointing weapons
- punching
- removal from property
- removal from vehicle
- resistance to excessive force
- severity of injury
- supervisory liability
- takedown maneuver
- taser